Rodents reproduce at alarmingly rapid rates. Homeowners suspecting a potential deer mouse issue are advised to contact a professional pest control company immediately, before a few deer mice turn into a full-blown deer mouse infestation. Contact your local Truly Nolen location to schedule a free pest inspection. Our skilled pest professionals will devise a plan customized for your home and your family’s needs. Deer mice exclusion begins with sealing all cracks and crevices in a structure’s foundation. For existing deer mice infestations, Truly Nolen’s elimination process includes:
- Reducing the deer mouse population using eco-friendly materials and our Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices to ensure strategic trap placement and the safe removal of mouse carcasses.
- Eradicating disease-carrying feasting insects and vectors from affected areas.
- Sanitizing affected areas with a specialized HEPA vacuum system that prevents dried mouse waste particulates from becoming airborne and spreading Hantavirus and other respiratory pathogens.
- Monitoring your home for deer mouse activity and checking traps regularly.
Proactive homeowners can help exclude deer mice and other pests from their properties by: - Clearing all debris from around the exterior of your home.
- Keeping lawns cut short, shrubs trimmed and eliminating tall grasses and other vegetation around your property.
- Stacking wood at least 20 feet from your home.
- Eliminating clutter and avoiding stockpiling cardboard boxes in attics, basements and storage sheds.
- Vacuuming and/or sweeping dining and food prep areas after each meal.
- Storing pantry goods in airtight hard plastic, metal or glass containers.