Blow flies can smell dead meat from as far as a mile away and are usually the first insects to find dead animal matter. Because blow flies require a considerable amount of protein to develop past their larvae maggot phases, female blow flies seek dead and decaying flesh as the ideal place to lay their eggs.
Blow flies buzzing around your home could mean there’s something dead nearby.
If you notice blow flies around your home, and they’re hard to miss because of the loud buzzing sounds they make, chances are, there may be a dead animal nearby. If you have a dead animal under your house or in your home, you will most likely be alerted by the smell of rotting flesh, as well. Slightly larger than true houseflies, blow flies are metallic green, blue orange or black adult forms of maggots that might be infesting a dead bird or small animal in your yard or rotting meat in your garbage can or compost pile.
Blow flies are vectors for pathogens and diseases.
While blow flies breaking down dead tissue provide a great service on the planet as a whole, they also transmit diseases and pathogens to humans and should be eliminated from your home as they contaminate human food sources. The first step, locating and removing the source of your blow fly infestation, can be problematic and is sure to be accompanied by an “ick” factor you may not be prepared for. Leave your blow fly concerns in the hands of a trusted pest control professional. Contact your local Truly Nolen location to schedule a free pest inspection.